


大发彩票平台是全州学费最低的大学之一, 感谢慷慨的资助, 奖学金和赞助项目, 超过一半的大发彩票平台学生都是免学费的. Now, a new state scholarship program stands to improve that affordability factor even more.

从2024年秋季开始, the North Star Promise Scholarship program will create a tuition- and fee-free pathway to higher education for 符合条件的明尼苏达州居民 at eligible institutions, of which M State is one (see complete list below). “最后一美元”计划, 北极星承诺奖学金 cover the balance of tuition and fees remaining after other scholarships, 奖助金, 已经申请了助学金和学费减免.


  • 帮助 stabilize enrollment at 明尼苏达州 system colleges and universities;
  • Serve as an economic driver for Minnesota by educating qualified workers who are much needed to fill vacancies in the state's labor force;
  • Create a viable higher education path for 明尼苏达州的居民s who may have previously thought education was not a possibility for them.

    The program is estimated to impact 15,000-20,000 students statewide in the first academic year.



  • 是一个 明尼苏达州的居民
  • 是否有家庭调整后总收入* (AGI) 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA)或 明尼苏达州梦想法案申请 80000美元以下
  • Attend a Minnesota public higher education institution or Tribal College
  • 没有拖欠州或联邦学生贷款
  • 至少修一门学分
  • 满足满意的学术进步(SAP)标准
  • 还没有获得学士学位
  • Be enrolled in a program or course of study that applies to a degree, diploma, or certificate


所有 Minnesota public higher education institutions and Tribal Colleges are eligible.

An institution may offer programs that are not eligible for Federal Title IV 援助 and Minnesota financial aid. 通常, this is because the program length is too short to meet the requirements for federal and state financial aid.



Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) information comes from the Federal 1040 Income Tax Return. The first year of the North Star Promise Scholarship program is the 2024-2025 academic year and the corresponding FAFSA or Minnesota Dream Act application asks about prior year AGI. 换句话说,2022年的AGI. 这可以在1040的第11行找到.

受抚养学生将获得其父母的AGI, 如果适用的话,还有继父或继母, 考虑到该计划的家庭AGI门槛低于80美元,000. 受抚养学生的AGI将不被考虑. 当父母离婚时, 分居或未婚, 不要住在一起, the parent who provides more financial support to the student should be the parent of record for the FAFSA or Minnesota Dream Act. This is the parent whose income will be reviewed when determining eligibility for North Star Promise. If the parent who provides more financial support has remarried as of the date the FAFSA or Minnesota Dream Act is filed, the stepparent’s AGI will also be taken into account when determining eligibility.

Independent students will have the AGI of the student considered for program eligibility. 如果学生已婚, 学生和配偶的总收入必须低于80美元,为了有资格获得北极星承诺奖学金. You can review what makes a student either dependent or independent here.



完成 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA)或 明尼苏达州梦想法案申请. 在你的FAFSA申请中,输入M州的FAFSA代码:005541.

There is no additional application beyond the FAFSA or 明尼苏达州梦想法案申请. M State will assess your eligibility on a term-by-term basis and award 北极星承诺奖学金 to all eligible students.

访问FAFSA          访问MN梦想法案

Note: The 2024-25 FAFSA and Minnesota Dream Act is expected to open in December 2023.





最长期限没有限制, 每年, 或者你可以获得的终身奖励金额. The amount you receive is based on the "last-dollar" calculation of your eligibility on a term-by-term basis. You can receive up to 100% of the amount charged in tuition and required fees per term, 减去你收到的所有其他捐赠资助.

For students earning 2-year degrees, you can receive the award for a total of 60 credits. For students earning 4-year degrees, you can receive the award for a total of 120 credits.

If funds are available, the highest-need students may also receive North Star Promise Plus funds. 有关该计划条款的细节仍在确定中.


The college or university you are attending will calculate your award amount based on the eligibility requirements and award calculation. 他们将决定你的学费和所需的费用, 减去所有其他捐赠资助来源(奖学金), 奖助金, waivers and 津贴) and award the remaining amount in a North Star Promise scholarship.


Students are notified of their scholarship through the college or university’s standard awarding process.


在计算你的奖励前, “last-dollar” programs consider any other sources of gift aid funding that you receive. “赠予援助”是一种不需要偿还的经济援助, 比如奖学金, 奖助金, 津贴, 第三方支付和学费减免. 贷款和勤工俭学不是奖学金的来源. The goal of this strategy is to utilize available program funds to provide as many eligible students as possible a tuition- and fee-free pathway to a college education. 

奖学金可以续期吗?? 如果有,持续多久?

As a last-dollar scholarship, this award is calculated on a term-by-term basis. 如果你获得了新的捐赠资助来源, 北极星承诺奖学金将重新计算.

You must continue to meet the 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) standards at your school.

没有获得奖励的最长时间限制. 然而, for students earning 2-year degrees, you can receive the award for a total of 60 credits. For students earning 4-year degrees, you can receive the award for a total of 120 credits. The maximum credits for which any student is eligible is a total of 120 credits.


是的. If you meet all of the eligibility requirements but the total of your other sources of “gift aid” already covers the amount of your tuition and required fees, 你将不会获得北极星承诺奖学金. This is because the sum of your other aid has already provided you with enough funds to cover your tuition and required fees charges.

然而, if you do not receive a North Star Promise Scholarship because other financial aid already covers your tuition and fees, 你仍会被考虑申请北极星承诺加基金. 有关该计划条款的细节仍在确定中.



More information about dependent and independent students can be found on the 北极星承诺奖学金常见问题网页.

In order to qualify, do I have to be a new, first-time student in the 2024-25 school year?

No, the program is open to new and returning students who meet the eligibility criteria.



如果你对北极星承诺奖学金项目有疑问, 请致电877与我们的财务援助办公室联系.450.3322 or financialaid@promisesurfing.net