Know before you go!


我们的“成功导航员”会在这里为你指路! Visit our Success Navigators webpage to learn more.

Important dates

Review M State's scheduled events and important dates.

Services and Support

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Accessibility Resources

无障碍资源办公室(以前的残疾服务)与教师合作, 工作人员和学生通过合理的安排为合格的学生消除残疾相关的教育障碍.

我们的无障碍资源页面有有关服务的信息, 校园联系及服务申请.

Career Services

M州立职业服务中心为学生提供发展个性化职业道路的途径和机会, connect with employers and job openings, 并获得求职支持,为你下一步就业或继续教育打下基础. Visit the Career Services webpage to learn more. 

Counseling Services

大发彩票平台的辅导员在这里帮助解决任何可能影响学生成功的情况. 所有服务对学生都是免费的. 访问我们的网站,与下一个可用的辅导员预约.

Our counseling services include:

Career Counseling

  • 职业兴趣和性格评估
  • Skills and values clarification
  • Online career resources
  • 确定职业成功的障碍

Personal Counseling

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Grief/loss
  • Relationship issues
  • Sexual identity
  • Assertiveness skills
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Learning from your mistakes
  • Drug/alcohol abuse
  • Eating disorders
  • Transition to college
  • Physical/sexual/emotional abuse

Academic Counseling

  • 学业警告、留校察看或停学
  • Learning strategies
  • Stress management
  • Test anxiety
  • Learning styles
  • Study skills
  • Time management

M State students have a variety of housing options,这取决于他们在我们的四个校区中的哪一个.


大发彩票平台校园图书馆可以为学生提供广泛的服务, including:

  • 计算机实验室有台式和笔记本电脑
  • Printing, scanning and photocopying
  • 参考支持——现场的和虚拟的
  • Test proctoring (by appointment)
  • Study rooms

Library hours vary by campus. 请访问图书馆网站了解当前时间和信息.

Social Workers


  • Housing
  • Finances
  • Legal
  • Safety
  • Childcare
  • Transportation
  • Health and wellness
  • Food and nutritional needs

Social workers' services include:

  • Assistance with forms
  • Assistance with applications
  • Referrals
  • 学生与社会服务系统之间的中介
  • Follow-ups to ensure start of services



Veterans Services

大发彩票平台有一名地区协调员,可以帮助退伍军人及其符合条件的家庭成员获得适当的福利和教育项目. 请访问我们的退伍军人服务页面,了解更多关于退伍军人服务的信息,并链接到福利注册表格.

Writing and Tutoring

大发彩票平台的学生可以获得免费的在线辅导,以支持他们的学业成功. 接受虚拟或校内支持或访问学术写作和阅读中心. Learn more: 



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StarID 您的唯一用户名是否为您提供了许多M State资源的单点登录. 要激活您的StarID,请更改或重置过期的密码, visit

一旦激活,您可以在任何接受StarID的地方使用您的StarID和密码. 它在所有明尼苏达州立大学中都是独一无二的.

Use your StarID to log in to:

  • E-Services     
  • Campus computers
  • Printing
  • Wireless access
  • Email
  • D2L Brightspace
  • Minnesota State resources

NOTE: 您的StarID密码将每180天过期一次


SpartanNet 你是所有大学资源的一站式个人门户吗, including e-services, D2L Brightspace, email and more. 

To log in to SpartanNet:

Go to: Click on the SpartanNet link, on the top right side of the page. Enter your StarID and StarID password. Once you are logged in, you will see links to: Go to class in D2L, Help links, E-services, tech support and email.


电子服务是你注册课程的地方, check your degree audit, look at your transcript, view your final grades, review your financial aid, pay your bills and much more. Log in to SpartanNet to access your E-Services.


D2L 教师是否使用在线课程管理工具来发布您的课程信息. 

To access your D2L:
Log in to SpartanNet  and click on Go to Class in D2L.

To see if your computer is compatible:
Log in to your D2L through SpartanNetClick Technical Help from the drop-down menu and do a Systems Check 以确保您的计算机系统与D2L兼容并正确配置. Click the Tools & Help Resources Tab to check computer requirements.

You can also access the How to Use D2L Brightspace Tutorial.

NOTE: 支持Edge、Firefox和Google Chrome等最新版本的浏览器. IE 10 and older browsers are not supported.

Computer lab access

大发彩票平台有计算机实验室供学生使用. 登录校园电脑时,请使用StarID和StarID密码登录. 请注意,课程可能在实验室进行. Please check before entering. Here's where labs are located:

Detroit Lakes: Library, G114 and Student Life

Fergus Falls: Library, L148 and S432

Moorhead: Library, D119, E119 and the Commons area

Wadena: Library and N11a

注意:学生必须将所有文件保存到usb闪存驱动器或在线OneDrive. 校园电脑一旦重启,删除所有保存的信息.

Student email

电子邮件是M State的官方沟通方式, 定期查看邮件是你的责任. 当您第一次登录时,您将需要设置多因素身份验证. This keeps your email safe.


To access your email:

1. Log into SpartanNet.

2. 在页面的左侧,点击绿色的Email & Office 365 button.

3. Sign in using the email/username

4. Enter your SpartanNet password.

Your email address is:

IT help

获得IT问题帮助的最快方法是 submit a ticket through SpartanNet or search our Help site entries.

Computer requirements for my program

Are you wondering what computer to buy? 点击此链接查找特定程序的计算机要求. 如果你的程序没有列出来,就意味着它不需要电脑.

Campus printing

All students start with $12.50 of free printing credit each semester. 点击以下链接了解更多信息 your printing credit and installing a campus printer. 随时查看您的打印余额,请登录 SpartanNet 查看页面上显示的打印余额.

Zoom conferencing

Zoom是M State的官方网络会议工具. Visit our Help site for 关于安装、访问和使用Zoom的信息.

Free Office 365

所有大发彩票平台的学生都可以免费下载Office 365. 点击这里获取更多信息和说明.

Quick contacts


  • Detroit Lakes - 218.846.3764
  • Fergus Falls - 218-736-1656
  • Moorhead - 218.299.6600
  • Wadena - 218.631.7873


Paying for college

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Where do I find my student bill?
  1. Go to
  2. Click on SpartanNet (top-right on page).
  3. 使用您的Star ID和Star ID密码登录.
  4. Click on E-Services (top-left on page).
  5. Click on Bills & Payment (menu on left).
  6. Select Account Detail (menu on left).
Where do I find my financial offer letter?
  1. Go to
  2. Click on SpartanNet (top-right on page).
  3. 使用您的Star ID和Star ID密码登录.
  4. Click on E-Services (top-left on page).
  5. Click on Financial Aid (menu on left).
  6. Select Awards (menu on left).
  1. 通过提交FAFSA申请经济援助.
  2. Submit your Offer Letter.
  3. Review work-study positions at
  4. 与财政援助办公室会面,以确定您的资格.

所有明尼苏达州立学院和大学都有一个学费政策,如果有以下情况,学生的注册可能会被取消 specific payment criteria are not met.

Are payment plans available?

M State offers Nelnet/NBS as a convenient payment plan. 学生也可以通过电子服务注册每个学期的付款计划选项 SpartanNet. 请注意:当您设置付款计划时, a deposit is required; so do not pay a deposit to the college also, 因为支付给Nelnet的款项符合确保您的课程安全的要求.

Where can I pay my tuition?

所有大发彩票平台都接受学费支付 campus stores by phone or in person. 网上付款也可以在你的 E-Services account.

Are M State scholarships available?

Yes! M State plans to offer more than $470,在2023-2024学年,奖学金金额为5万美元, 感谢我们的两个基金会:费格斯地区学院基金会, 为费格斯福尔斯校区的学生提供服务, and M State Foundation and Alumni, 为底特律湖区的学生提供服务, Moorhead and Wadena campuses.

要了解更多关于这些基金会和他们提供的奖学金, click here.





大发彩票平台也是北极星承诺奖学金项目的合格机构, 这意味着在大发彩票平台就读的明尼苏达州居民可能有资格获得州政府资助的“最后一美元”免学费的大学入学途径. 如需详细资料,包括资格要求,请 see our North Star Promise webpage HERE.

M State可以分享我的财务信息吗?

如果你想让大发彩票平台能够与你的家人或朋友讨论你的账户,关于经济援助, billing issues or tax information, 你需要签署一份信息发布表格, found on our forms page under Records Office Forms.


更快地收到来自财政援助或退款的超额支票, 透过电子服务登记直接存款(in SpartanNet). 您可以在电子服务门户网站的“学生就业”下找到直接存款链接.



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What is the FAFSA?

经济援助帮助学生和他们的家庭支付大学费用. 教育署提供的联邦学生资助包括学杂费等费用, housing and food, books and supplies, and transportation. 援助还可以帮助支付其他相关费用,如电脑和家属护理. 全国数千所学校参加了联邦学生援助计划. 有几种类型的经济援助,包括:

  • Grants
    • 助学金是一种不需要偿还的经济援助形式(除非你被授予奖学金), for example, you withdraw from school and owe a refund, 或者你获得了TEACH补助金,但没有完成你的服务义务). 各种各样的联邦补助金可供使用,包括:
      • Pell Grants,
      • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG),
      • 大学和高等教育教师教育援助(TEACH)补助金,以及
      • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants.
  • Scholarships
    • 许多非营利和私人组织提供奖学金来帮助学生支付大学或职业学校的费用. This type of free money, 有时是基于学业成绩, talent, or a particular area of study, 能真正帮助你管理教育费用吗.
  • Work Study
    • 联邦勤工俭学计划允许你通过兼职工作来赚钱支付学费. 你至少能挣到现行的联邦最低工资. However, 根据你所做的工作类型和职位所需的技能,你可能会赚得更多. Your total work-study award depends on 当你申请的时候,你的经济需求水平和你学校的资助水平.
  • Loans
    • 贷款是你借的钱,必须连本带利偿还. If you apply for financial aid, 作为学校经济援助的一部分,你可能会获得贷款. 当你收到学生贷款时,你是在借钱上大学或职业学校. 你必须偿还贷款以及由此产生的利息. 了解你的还款选择是很重要的,这样你才能成功偿还贷款.

你的经济援助可能是这些援助形式的组合. Visit our Paying for College site for more information. 

How do I fill out the FAFSA?

The 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 是所有经济援助项目的共同申请,并且必须每年完成吗 financial aid.

To complete the FAFSA, 你需要创建一个联邦学生援助(FSA)的用户名和密码, 哪个将作为你的电子签名. 如果你是一个受抚养的学生和家长的数据需要在FAFSA, 至少有一位家长也应申请 FSA ID for the parent's electronic signature. 如果你还没有,你可以创建你的FSA ID作为FAFSA申请过程的一部分.

Here's an informational video on filling out the FAFSA.

What is M State's FAFSA code?

M State's FAFSA code number is 005541. 当你输入M州的代码号码,费格斯瀑布的城市名称将出现.


COMPLETE STEPS 1-3 贷款:将贷款资金作为付款存入学生账户:

1. Submit Loan Request: Log into SpartanNet > E-Services > Financial Aid > Review & Respond to Award Notifications > Loans > Follow steps to accept and submit

2. Complete Entrance Counseling at

3. 完整的主本票(MPN), MPN为资助/无资助贷款,网址为

  • 助学金资金将自动支付到您的学生账户.
  • 申请联邦直接学生贷款(如果计划使用贷款).
What do I do if I need more help?

We are here to help! 点击链接报名参加我们的FAFSA会议!

Have more questions? Visit Student Services on your campus or email us. 如果您给我们发邮件,请记住包括您的学生全名和M州学生身份证号码.